“Image Prevalence”

Why do you think the reproduction of image is so prevalent in the world today?

We live in a world where media and imagery dominates our society. Impressions, messages can be communicated through one advertisement, one logo. Emotional convention emulates from the same means, the power to influence the mass is at the tips of those who create a well known design that will inevitably be passed around society like a secret note. Not only that but the reproduction of images caters to the different levels of culture, like exampled in the reading the Obama reproduction, that spread like wildfire through the youth mostly, I remember it was on everyone’s shirt, everyone wanted to show off this imagery that had become viral “it had endorsed the status quo”.

What do you think this prevalence bodes for the future of graphic design and your place in it?

I think the future of graphic design is better than ever, its flourishing, adapting conspiring to seep into almost every mode of media now.  With more social media being infused into our society there is always an inept opportunity to create basically anything you want know. Whether it be for marketing, just creative, or personal there is always room for it now. I am an aspiring graphic designer and my place in this world is going to be epic!  I am very hopeful that I will be able to make a few splashes in this big pond in the future you never know.

Why do you think the John McCain drive for the presidency failed to use the Internet (or failed to use it effectively) as a means of communicating with voters?

I think that in John McCain’s drive for the presidency the main reason as to why he failed would have to have fallen under the lack of just how much impact new and emerging technology has on the public, especially when trying to get your public image out there. He didn’t have viable resources that would have better aided him like perhaps a source of youth perspective that would have been able to reach out to the cultural perspectives that most of society envelops now a days. There was a somewhat social medium presence at the time in 2008 when he was striving to obtain this goal, it was just about getting ready to flourish, if he has simply reached out to this medium that was available for political influences his presidency would have taken a different turn for the better.


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